Knox County Master Gardeners

Become a Master Gardener

The Master Gardener program is open to all gardening enthusiasts whether you consider yourself a beginner, novice, or professional!

Helping Tennessee Grow Better Communities


We are here to help you! 

Explore this website to learn about Knox County Master Gardeners Projects and Activities; how to contact us, the wealth of resources available for use, and how you can become involved in helping our Knox County neighbors.

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Public Service Announcment

 Information for those who use "Round-Up"

Rylan Thompson, our extension agent sent out this publication about Round-up:

Be aware that in 2024, the chemicals in the herbicide "Round-up" will change as will the uses for each product but the name will remain the same:

  • There are 6 products labelled Round-Up:  3 still have glyphosate in them AS WELL AS other chemicals.
  • None of the 6 is pure glyphosate.
  • Each of the 6 has specific uses:  None for vegetable garden; only ONE for landscape beds; and only ONE for lawns.
  • READ the label CAREFULLY or risk killing wanted plantings!

The article explains how each of the chemicals works, uses for each type of Round-Up product, toxicities, and soil impact:  Update on Roundup-Branded Herbicides for Consumers  pub. W1237:  

Gardening Opportunities

Check out our 

KCMG YouTube Channel

for Informational Videos. 

To contact Knox County Master Gardeners with your Gardening Questions:


or phone 865-215-3554

Programs in agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and resource development. University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture and county governments cooperating. UT Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.

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