Events & News2024-10-15T16:02:12-04:00

Events & News

Welcome to the Events & News page of the Knox County Master Gardeners! Stay updated on our latest activities, workshops, and community projects. We offer a range of events throughout the year, including gardening classes, community garden projects, and public presentations by our Speakers Bureau.

Our Newsletters

Stay informed and connected with the latest updates from Knox County Master Gardeners through our Monthly Newsletter! Each issue is packed with valuable gardening tips, upcoming event details, member spotlights, and much more. As a member, you’ll receive the newsletter directly in your email inbox. Simply check your email each month to stay in the loop.

KCMG Social Media

Stay updated and engaged with Knox County Master Gardeners by following us on social media! Join our vibrant community on Facebook and Instagram for gardening tips, event updates, and more. Check out our latest posts, share your gardening experiences, and interact with fellow enthusiasts.

See our feeds below and click to follow us for all the latest updates and inspiration:

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